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Blinded By The Lights Acapella Definition

Author: admin15/12

Sounds Of Silence Lyrics by Simon Garfunkel at the Lyrics Depot. About This Site Independent Fundamental Baptist IFB Deception. Thank you for visiting. This site is dedicated to exposing the Mind Control, Manipulation, Deception, Spiritual and Emotional Abuse, Heresy, Legalism Phariseeism, and Authoritarianism behind the Independent Fundamental Baptist Denomination IFB. Mafia 2 Pc Game Crack. I was a member of a spiritually abusive Independent Fundamental Baptist Church for a little over 2. The focus of this site, therefore, is the issue of spiritual abuse and deception in the IFB churches. This site also has a secondary emphasis on other Christian churches, but will mostly focus on the IFB Denomination. Like others who have similar sites, the reason for concentrating on the Independent Fundamental Baptist Denomination is simply due to personal experience. Most Baptist churches are very similar to the IFB. Some are a little different and may be less strict or have different stances on scripture, but for the most part they are all very similar. I can really only speak from my experiences so that is why this site is singling out the IFB. Much of what you will read here comes directly from my personal experience. Blinded By The Lights Acapella Definition' title='Blinded By The Lights Acapella Definition' />Is it perfection youre looking for, huh A big painful circleEach point,perfectly aligned from its centre. Arent you tired of,practical peoplesaying dreams are. Much of the information contained within this site can be generalized to other churches, but not all of it. I will let you, the reader, determine which applies to you and your unique situation. Ive been accused of making the fallacy of hasty generalizations or that Im simply over generalizing based on just my experience. While I cant say that every IFB church is run in a spiritually abusive manner since that would be an impossible claim to knowledge, I can easily infer, based on my experience with multiple IFB churches and based on others who Ive talk to or shared their stories on this site, that most are. Since leaving the IFB in 1. I have encountered many people who have come from not only IFB churches, but also other Christian churches with similar experiences of spiritual abuse. Although I understand that good things still happen in IFB churches and that many people are brought to the Lord and salvation, I still believe that the IFB operates much like a cult. Afterall, God can use a cult to bring people to him. Because of the definition of a cult I cant say that the IFB is a cult exactly, however, it does have some cult characteristics which I will expose. For example the IFB churches that I have experienced, believe that a person can not truly be saved if they read a version of scripture other than the King James Version. Part of the definition of a cult is a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist Websters Dictionary. While on the surface the IFB seems to be a traditional Christian organization, within the walls of the church there is false and extreme doctrine, heavy manipulation and mind control of its members, and manipulation of the Word of God that hurts people. It is not the intention of this site to hurt or defame anyone. I will do my best to not single out a particular church. It is the sole intention of this site to bring into the light the hurtful and dangerous practices of the IFB. To the right please find links to many of the false teachings of the IFB. I encourage you to speak your defense and your experiences of the IFB as well as your support of the information on this site. Monotype Plugin. Finally, please feel free to participate in our monthly survey poll changes will depend on the amount of interest this site generates. As you read through this site, please remember that its not the church you are attending that saves. Only God has the power to judge a persons heart and save himher. Be careful to not give the IFB or any religious organization for that matter, the praise and glory that only belongs to God. Keep in mind that even though people may make known the good things that are being done in their church or religious group does mean that there arent abusive things happening and does not give them the right to dismiss or excuse that abuse. It is wrong and dangerous to ignoredismiss abuse on the grounds that good is also happening. Can I Help You From Start To Finish Pdf. When discussing this with a good friend of mine he told me not to throw the baby out with the bath water, implying that I should just filter out the bad stuff that I seeexperience and keep the good stuff. When it comes to church, however, I find it unacceptable that there should be such bad stuff. Are we not supposed to be an example of Christ to the worldIm convinced that much of the worlds difficulties, including Atheism, is a direct result of this bad stuff from the church. I have spoken with many Atheists who explain to me reasons behind their decision to become an Atheists and they are very similar to the experiences I had growing up in my IFB church. The analogy that works better here is the baker who mixed a teaspoon of dog poop in his brownie mix. Once the brownies were mixed, baked and completed, it became impossible to know where the brownies ended and the dog poop began. Even with such a tiny amount of dog poop the brownies were uneatable. And so it is with the abusive church. When a person experiences spiritual abuse from those who are supposed to imitate Christ, it becomes impossible to separate the abuse from the healthy components of the church. Am I saying that the church and the people in the church should be perfectOf course not. Pastors and church goers are human, however, the church should be a place where humanness is met with the Grace of God not the judgmental legalism of the Pharisees. A good friend of mine told me once that people who were abused have a tendency to shy away from the abuser and the object used to abuse. So for example a child who was abused by his father who used a belt to beat him, will forever equate his father and that belt with abuse. The same is true for spiritual abuse. When a particular church or organization abuse a person and they use the Bible to perform the abuse, you can deduce what will happen. The one thing that a person needs to heal from an abusive situation, the Bible, is the very thing that person cant turn to because it was the object of the abuse. There are verses in the Bible that still to this day I cant read without re experiencing the abuse again. The problem is that they are the very verses I need to help in the healing process. That is what makes spiritual abuse one of the most horrific problems in todays society. If you wish to find out more about me, contact me or sign my guest book you may find those links at the top of this site as well. Thanks again for visiting and we hope that this information has been helpful.

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